Tecta America understands that commercial buildings have important things happening under their roofs, but, but those important events can’t happen if the roof is not properly maintained.
Types of Roof Damage
If you are experiencing any of the following roof issues, please contact us
Water can cause damage to your roof and leave you in need of commercial roof repair.
How water causes damage
If your roof is deteriorating, has holes, cracks or dents, water can seep through and create a problem. Water can damage parts of your roof and building, causing destruction to your ceiling, walls and belongings.
Look for damage and water stains on the interior and exterior walls and windows to see if your roof in experiencing water damage.
To prevent water damage, it’s important to keep your roof well maintained. The roofing experts at Tecta America can perform a roofing assessment and make sure your roof is not susceptible to water damage. We can stop the damage from getting world and take the next steps to prevent further damage.
High winds can cause serious damage and lead to a need for commercial roof repair.
How wind causes damage
Roof damage can occur on any roof, but the severity of it depends on what the roof is made of. Strong winds can flow underneath the edge or seams of the roof. Strong winds can indirectly cause damage.
Look for tears, shreds or cuts because pieces of debris may have been lifted and carried by wind that damaged them.
Tecta America can make sure your roof will stand up to winds in the future and give you solutions on how to keep it strong. If your roof has experienced damage, you may be able to repair it without replace it, depending on the extent of damage, including mildew, water leakage, or even loss of insulation.
Hail stones can range in size from 1/4 inch to as big as 4 inches in diameter.
How hail causes damage
The amount of damage caused by hail depends on a couple of factors: the size of the hail, the direction of the wind. Commercial roofs are flatter and hail experiences a greater impact on contact.
Look for dents, scrapes or cracks and even holes. There isn’t much to do to prevent this because hail is so unpredictable.
If you’ve experienced a hailstorm, you can call the experts at Tecta America and we will send out our experts to your location to inspect your roof and assess the damage that may have been done. We can perform any commercial roof repair or replacement to restore the strength of your roof.
In the event of an emergency leak or roof damage following a major storm, you don’t have time to waste before more critical infrastructure damage can occur.