BBVA4BBVA3BBVA2BBVA 1 ABOUT THE BBVA COMPASS BROCK SERVICE CENTER: BBVA Compass is a leading U.S. banking franchise with operations throug...
Frederick Douglas Elementary School 1Frederick Douglas Elementary School 2 The existing multi-layer built-up roofy system was removed and replaced with...
Ceres hall 2Ceres hall 1 ABOUT CERES HALL: Ceres Hall was the first women’s dormitory on the North Dakota Agricultural College cam...
Maine savings Credit UnionMaine savings Credit UnionMaine savings Credit UnionMaine savings Credit UnionMaine savings Credit UnionMaine savings Credit Union ...
FJA Christiansen Roofing St Stanislaus Church Dome Restorations 1St. Stanislaus Copper Clad DomesSt. Stanislaus Dome Restoration 7St. Stanislaus Dome RestorationSt. Stanislaus Dome Restoration 5St. Stanislaus Dome Restoration 4St. Stanislaus Copper C...
QOPCemeteryQOPCemetery ABOUT QUEEN OF PEACE CEMETERY: The Queen of Peace Cemetery project consisted of the construction of a twelve-building cemetery ca...
ARMY MUSEUM 1 B-03 (1)ARMY MUSEUM 2 B-03 (1) 22ARMY MUSEUM 2 B-03 (1) 22Arch-Metals-Army-Museum1 PROJECT DETAILS: The layout and installation of the f...
masonic 2Masonic Memorial Auditorium 2Masonic Memorial Auditorium 3Masonic Memorial Auditorium 4 ABOUT TMASONIC AUDITORIUM: The Masonic Auditorium is lo...